My Pillows Wait
My Pillows Wait
In this piece I set out with a goal for my journey that investigates the different qualities of weight and wait through an array of emotional, psychological, and physical positions. I struggle to keep the pillows close to me and elevated but there are moments of tension when one might fall or a corner comes dangerously close to the floor. There are fluctuations in the pillows weight, which directly affects my physical and psychological weight. I perform this dance journey for an audience so that they can engage in my experience and be reminded of their own journeys and the struggles in life that we all share but feel completely alone in when we experience them. I am considering issues of family, longing, mourning, memory, and our ability to make choices that that create and guide our life journeys. We own the ability, in times of conflict, to choose to push through our obstacles whether personal or societal, and embrace our burdens and joys. We choose how and when we allow ourselves to let go, move forward, lay defeated, stay still, and listen to our breath. In these moments we have a responsibility to acknowledge or ignore our bodies, minds, reality and create our existence.